5 Things to Do After an Accident

You’re riding along, safely paying attention and signaling to the drivers around you. Then, without warning, the unthinkable happens. Sudden brake lights, a car racing through a red light—and you find yourself in an accident. What do you do?
What To Do After An Accident
1. Check for injuries. Check yourself over first, your passenger if you have one and then the person in the other motor vehicle. If there’s a sign of injury, call 911 immediately.
2. Do not leave the scene. Even if there are no injuries, you must exchange information with the owner of the other vehicle and wait until law enforcement arrives to make a report. Take down all of the other person’s information, including their name, address, phone number, driver’s license number, insurance information and car registration number (Tag number).
3. Call the police and report the accident. While doing this, don’t make comments to the other person involved. You may of course listen to what they have to say but don’t comment back. Never admit blame or try to force the other person to accept blame.
4. Take pictures of the scene and the damage to your vehicle with your phone, and take notes of what happened and why. If there are witnesses nearby, get their contact information and what they saw, as well. Record all of the information you can while at the scene. Use your phone’s voice recorder if available.
5. Contact the Motorcycle Accident Attorneys at the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne and 911 Biker Law to help you process your claim. We will talk to the insurance company on your behalf and make sure you receive the compensation that you deserve!