Unlawful Display Of A License
Traffic Ticket Lawyers In Orlando, FL
In any state, everybody recognizes driving is a privilege — not a right. In Florida, a person must take a course, pass a driving test, and submit official registration to obtain a driver's license. Additionally, drivers must adhere to Florida's traffic laws to maintain their driving privileges, as failure to do so may result in license suspension or revocation. Should an individual be discovered to be using a suspended, terminated, or fraudulent license, they can face criminal charges for unlawful use of a license.
Unfortunately, many drivers present their license to law enforcement without knowing it has been suspended or revoked. If you've received a citation for the unlawful use of a license, contact our Orlando law firm, 911 Biker Law, today to schedule a case consultation with our experienced defense lawyers!
What Constitutes Unlawful Use Of A License?
As per Florida Statute §322.32, a driver commits the offense of unlawful use of a license when they do the following.
- Knowingly uses a suspended, revoked, or terminated driver's license
- Knowingly presents an expired license
- Knowingly presents a license belonging to another person
- Refuses to surrender a suspended, revoked, canceled, or terminated license
- Uses a fraudulent license
- Lends their license to another person
Penalties For Unlawful Display Of A License
The offense of unlawful use of a license is classified as a second-degree misdemeanor. Should an individual be convicted of this charge, a judge may choose to impose any combination of the following penalties.
- Up To $500 In Fines
- Up To 60 Days In County Jail
- Up To 60 Days Probation
Possible Defenses
In addition to the many pre-trial and trial defenses that often occur in cases of unlawful use of a driver's license, one of the most common defenses to this charge is unknowingly possession. As charges of unlawful use of license banks on knowingly possessing an illegitimate license, drivers cannot be convicted if they were unaware their license had been suspended, revoked, canceled, or terminated. Furthermore, if an individual unknowingly presented a license belonging to another person, they cannot face charges.
How Our Traffic Ticket Attorneys Can Help
Many individuals don't realize disputing traffic violations involves more than presenting a compelling argument, as drivers must have evidence to support their claims. Our experienced traffic citation lawyers have a deep understanding of Florida traffic laws and can help gather evidence to support your unique situation. Contact 911 Biker Law today to schedule a case consultation with an experienced traffic ticket attorney!