Tips to Obtain Insurance Discounts
No matter how much money you may have in your bank account, you still want to save as much as possible on your car insurance. If you live in Florida, there are a number of discounts available to you that may substantially reduce your insurance premiums. Unfortunately, you cannot count on your insurer to keep you informed of them.
For example, did you know that if you drive less than 35 miles a day, you can get a substantial discount? If you have never had a DUI, another discount could be coming your way. Here are a few other discounts that you may not be are aware of.
Good driver discount: If you have gone a period of time with no traffic citations, accidents, and no insurance claims, you may be eligible. Companies vary with how long this period of time is so make sure you check with your insurer to see if you qualify.
High liability limits discount: Many people purchase the lowest liability limit available in order to save money on their insurance. However, very few know that you are able to save money by increasing your liability limit. Discounts are only available to those who have high liability limits. As you increase your liability limits, the percentage of discount also increases. Insurers view those who purchase higher liability limits as more responsible and rewards them with a discount.
Exceptional driving method discount, “Black Box Discount”: Insurers have a fairly new method of offering discounts involving technology called telematics. A device is installed on your car and records your driving habits for a designated time period. Do you often hit the brakes? Do you drive mostly during non-peak driving times? All this is recorded on the device which you then return to the insurer for documentation. Some insurers offer a 30% discount for great drivers. Good drivers that do not fall into the category of great may still get a discount even if it is not quite 30%.
Anti-theft device discount: Owners of cars that are equipped with anti-theft and theft recovery systems are eligible for premium discounts.
Social media discount: Some insurers actually offer a discount if you use Facebook and “like” their business page.
Mature driver discount: Under Florida law, if you are a senior citizen and take an online course for mature drivers, your insurer must give you a 10% premium discount.
If you have a dispute with your insurance company for your car or motorcycle, schedule a free consultation with your Orlando motorcycle attorney. Contact 911 Biker Law.