Tips For Attending Leesburg Bikefest

Like a suped-up Sportster on an open highway, the countdown to Leesburg Bikefest is passing by at a roaring pace. In the remaining days before the event kicks off on April 26-28 in Leesburg, FL, the motorcycle lawyers with 911 Biker Law have some tips to help you have fun and stay safe!
Know What To Expect From A Motorcycle Event This Large
It’s impressive for anyone who can hop on a motorcycle and navigate the streets and highways. But rolling into a bike event and finding the best shows and venues takes another set of abilities. This is especially true at large motorcycle events like Leesburg Bikefest, which hosted more than 300,000 attendees last year. This year’s event features more than 200 vendors, at least 55 concerts, and what seems like an endless lineup of entertainment, from motorcycle stunt shows to big rig convoys. Here are ways to avoid the mayhem and create lasting memories.
Arrive Early To Find Parking
With hundreds of thousands of bikers in attendance, finding parking at Leesburg Bikefest might seem challenging. But if your heart is set on parking close to the action on Main Street, which will be closed except for bikes, our advice is to show up early. The festivities begin at 9 a.m., and arriving early gives you a solid chance to find a free space downtown. Also, given all that traffic, remember to operate your bike with extra caution. Even low-speed collisions can cause injuries and property damage, as our motorcycle accident attorneys can attest.
If rising early from bed sounds like a punishment, especially after staying out until the close of the festivities at 2 a.m., another option is taking a shuttle service from your hotel. The Lake Xpress shuttle runs about every 30 minutes through Mount Dora, Tavares, Eustis, and The Villages, and rides are just $1 per way or $3 for an All-Day Pass (exact fees required). There’s also The Gator Harley Express, which offers discounts to students and seniors and commutes every 20 minutes between downtown Leesburg and the Gator Harley-Davidson dealership. While you’re waiting on the shuttle, check out the bikes in the showroom. We prefer the new FXDR™ 114, Harley-Davidson’s replacement of the V-Rod and one of its fastest production bikes.
Keep An Event Guide Handy
Once you’ve figured out the best way to get around Leesburg Bikefest, it’s time to explore the event’s 30 blocks of motorcycles, music, and vendors with an eye toward your interests. Whether you’re looking for a raucous night of partying or a fun afternoon of family time, the festival offers something for everyone — you just have to know where to look for it. Our recommendation is to have copies of the events schedule and vendor map with you as you’re walking around. Having these points of reference means you’ll always know what events are happening and where to find them.
Leave Your Comfort Zone In The Dust
Have you ever hopped on your bike for a casual weekend putt when, all of a sudden, you turned a corner and saw a wide-open straightway that compelled you to jam on the throttle and tear off with a thunderous roar? The brief moments of uninterrupted speed create a distinct sensation, an adrenaline rush accentuated by steady blasts of air over your shoulders and a boisterous melody of engine noise that rattles your ears and announces your presence to the world. That same free-spirited, up-for-anything attitude that you embody while riding can also help you elevate your experience at Leesburg Bikefest.
Here’s a good rule of thumb for attending a motorcycle event: check your comfort zone at the city limits. When you ditch the rigid itinerary, you’re more likely to do unanticipated and remarkable things, such as eating foods you’ve never tasted, talking to people you never thought you’d meet, and seeing the world from a broader, transcendent point of view. Of course, not all the festivities will fit your style like your handlebar grips fit your hands, but embracing the unexpected is often the best way to have a memorable time.
Anticipate Lots Of Highway Miles & Road-Time If Traveling
During Leesburg Bikefest, the population of Leesburg increases around 1,500 percent. All those visitors have to come from someplace. Our motorcycle attorneys travel north from the Orlando area. Other riders come from other parts of Florida or even out of state. That can mean a lot of miles and road-time for bikes. Here’s how to prevent accidents or mechanical breakdowns from spoiling your fun.
Stop Regularly To Check On Your Bike
Some bikers regard the toughness and stamina it takes to ride straight through a long-distance to a motorcycle festival as badges of honor, signs of a true warrior of the road. But all those uninterrupted miles can come at the expense of mechanical issues. Stopping every few hours along the trip to inspect your motorcycle allows you to spot small problems before they get worse. To address any issues you find, keep a few basic motorcycle tools in a backpack or saddlebags, or have friends or family traveling beside you in a car or RV hold onto the tools. And remember, if you’re from a northern state, your bike might not be tuned for humid Florida weather. So have a local mechanic check out your bike when you arrive or before you head for home.
Pick Up A Free Tow Card
The accident attorneys with 911 Biker Law are committed to helping out our fellow bikers.
We represent injured riders after accidents, defend clients whose insurance companies refuse to pay on claims, and regularly provide tips for safe riding habits.
During Leesburg Bikefest 2019, we also offer a Free Tow Card to any rider who needs one.
These cards are good for complimentary roadside assistance after mechanical issues or accidents on the road.
To get your tow card, stop by our law offices near Orlando or request one on our website.
Don’t forget to read our blog articles and follow 911 Biker Law on social media for Leesburg Bikefest updates, riding and legal advice, and much more!