Remembering September 11th

The Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne and 911 Biker Law remembers. Today marks the 12th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on our nation. No matter how long it has been since this tragedy occurred, the painful memories of that day still linger within all of us.
“Since 2001, September 11 has added an additional responsibility to me,” says Brehne. “On September 11, I usually pick a birthday card to send to my best friend who was born on September 12. I now also take the time to remember the attacks on America and the heroic response of our police, fire, medical and military men and woman. I remember that the American resolve will long outlast our foes. And most of all, I remember what an honor it is to live in a country with such great and resilient people.”
Today we remember the victims who lost their lives too soon. Today we remember the heroic feats of our policemen, firefighters and medical team who consistently put themselves second. Today we remember that as nation, we are stronger together. We will never forget.