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How to Stay Safe During a Hurricane

Planning for a Hurricane

Before a hurricane hits, it is important to be prepared. Always listen to the TV or radio to stay up to date on the latest information and instructions given for your area. Here are a few guidelines to follow to ensure you and your family are safe during the storm.

Preparedness Tips:

  • Create an emergency kit that includes items such as batteries, flashlights, first aid supplies, bottled water, etc.
  • Make a plan with your family of where to meet in case of an emergency
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Fill your car with gas
  • Have cash on hand
  • Make a plan for your pet
  • Stay indoors away from windows and doors
  • Know the your hurricane evacuation routes and determine where you would go if you need to evacuate

Make plans to secure your home:

  • Board up all of your home’s windows
  • Trim the trees and shrubs around your home so they are more wind resistant
  • Bring in all outdoor items that are not tied down
  • Purchase a generator for emergencies
  • Review your homeowners insurance and storm damage policy

If your home is damaged during a storm, take the proper steps to guarantee your safety and ensure that you have a hurricane claim. Contact an Orlando insurance claim attorney at the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A. so that you can receive the compensation you deserve.

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