Getting Closer to Leesburg Bikefest!

We're a week away from the fun-filled weekend of Leesburg Bikefest 2018! The motorcycle attorneys at 911 Biker Law are taking care of to-do lists and finalizing plans to be there with thousands of their friends.
Weekend-Long Entertainment
This year's Bikefest is sure to entertain the crowds with more than 30 blocks of concerts, contests, and more. Stunt shows, riding demonstrations, hot body contests, and more than 200 vendors highlight this 22nd annual event. Riders and motorcycle enthusiasts can learn techniques and tips for safe riding during the popular Ride Like A Pro class — a practice put into action by 911 Biker Law during every ride. Then, check out the new Ms. Daisy Dukes contest and the Rat's Hole Show featuring rat and diesel bikes, both on Sunday, April 29.
Parking & Shuttle Information
Whether you’re riding to Leesburg or taking advantage of the Lake Xpress Park N’ Ride shuttle service, Bikefest 2018 is the place to be and be seen next weekend! With shuttles running every 30 to 40 minutes, Lake Xpress will have you and your friends at the concerts and events in no time. Or, support many local nonprofit organizations by parking in one of the many available lots surrounding Bikefest. All proceeds directly benefit the nonprofit organization manning the parking lot.
Plan For The Unexpected
A free tow card from 911 Biker Law can help ease your mind should the unexpected happen on your way to or from Leesburg Bikefest 2018. Good for the first 10 miles of a tow to the nearest repair shop, our tow card helps protect you and your bike in the event of an accident or mechanical issue. Stop by our office and pick it up before heading to Bikefest!