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Criminal Defense FAQs

Florida Criminal Defense Law FAQs

At the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A., we believe that individuals are innocent until proven guilty. Further, we understand that life often presents unique challenges that may result in mistakes and other regretful behaviors and/or decisions. If you have questions about Florida criminal law and the options that you may have when charged with a crime, rely on our Orlando criminal defense attorneys.

What is criminal law?

Criminal law is a legal system that deals with the governing policies and consequences of the criminal acts of people. Criminal law is especially beneficial to society because it assists with the maintenance of public order and safety.

What does a criminal defense attorney do?

Criminal defense lawyers in Orlando, FL represent individuals who have been charged with a crime. They may assist with investigation in cases and compile evidence to support the case of an individual who has been charged. Criminal defense attorneys may defend an individual against criminal claims, advocate for a lesser sentence or penalty for a crime, or work to remove or expunge a civil act from one’s record for greater likeability in court.

I was arrested — do I need a lawyer?

If you were arrested, you should contact Orlando defense attorneys to assist you. Even if you have successfully made bail, a charge may have been placed against you. This will require going to trial and the possibility of being charged with a permanent prison sentence. In order to achieve a favorable outcome and to understand your rights after an arrest, you will need an attorney.

How can a defense attorney help me?

A defense attorney can help you in a variety of ways. With an attorney, you will obtain the following benefits:

  • Aggressive legal representation and defense
  • Trustworthy support during plea deal negotiations (if applicable)
  • Case investigation
  • Evidence to support your defense and character
  • A possibility at a lesser penalty, decreased sentence, and/or record expungement of previous civil wrong doings to help your case
  • Insight on your rights and options

To learn more about Florida criminal law, visit our Orlando defense law firm. We offer free initial consultations for all insurance and injury cases.