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Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Bicycles are a common sight throughout Orlando. Whether a bicyclist is taking a leisurely ride or commuting to school or work, a bicycle accident can have severe consequences. If you or a loved one have been involved in a bicycle accident, contact the personal injury attorneys at 911 Biker Law.

Frequent Causes Of Bicycle Accidents

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, the state led the nation in bicyclist fatalities in 2014 with 139 deaths. Intersections and roadway segments, such as bicycle lanes, roadside or shoulder, and midblock-marked crosswalks, are the most dangerous location for bicyclists. Injuries occurred in 85.5 percent of intersection accidents while fatalities occurred at a rate of 2.8 percent in segment accidents.

There may be many causes but these four are frequently behind bicycle accidents:

  • Failure to yield right of way;
  • Failure to stop at traffic signals, such as red lights or stop signs;
  • Improper lane changes; and/or
  • Turning in front of a bicyclist or other vehicle.

Common Bicycle Accident Injuries

Regardless of the type and severity, a bicyclist will generally suffer some type of injury. If you've suffered any of these common bicycle accident injuries, contact a personal injury lawyer with 911 Biker Law today.

Broken Or Fractured Bones

Riders are exposed to all elements and factors. When a collision occurs, whether with a moving or stationary vehicle, broken and/or fractured bones are common. A rider is also likely to suffer this type of injury if they are ejected from the bicycle.

Road Rash

Also called soft tissue injuries, road rash is commonly used to refer to the abrasions and lacerations bicyclists suffer when exposed skin comes into contact with a road surface.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic brain injuries include concussions, contusions, and hematomas which can have lasting effects on bicyclists. Wearing a helmet significantly reduces the chances of and/or severity of a TBI in bicycle accidents.

Neck & Spinal Cord Injuries

Neck and/or spinal cord injuries are common and may result in permanent or temporary paralysis.

Bike Riding Safety Tips

Bicycling is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors and is an economical mean to commuting. There are many ways to protect yourself as a bicyclist. One of the best ways is to always wear a helmet followed by learning and using appropriate hand signals before slowing, stopping, and/or turning. By signaling every intention, other cyclists and motorists are aware of your upcoming movements. Other bike riding tips include:

  • When riding next to parked vehicles, be prepared for a vehicle door to open at any time.
  • Never wear earbuds or headphones while riding. Even when listening at a low volume, bicyclists may be unable to hear approaching traffic and/or sirens.
  • Always wear a helmet and brightly colored and/or reflective clothing.
  • Stop before entering a roadway and/or intersection and look both ways before proceeding.

What To Do After A Bicycle Accident In Florida

A bicycle accident can be a traumatic experience but there are several steps to take immediately afterward.

  • Call the police. The report prepared by an officer will be beneficial if you decide to contact an accident attorney with 911 Biker Law.
  • Seek medical attention. Injuries can take time to emerge, which may be days after the incident.
  • Don’t move the bicycle before taking photos of the accident scene, including road signs and other details.
  • Write down contact information for witnesses, if possible.