Riding For Charity: 2019 Iron Pigs Against Pediatric Cancer Ride

Nothing beats cruising on your motorcycle on a beautiful day, except for when you can support a charitable cause in the process! The Iron Pigs Against Pediatric Cancer Ride is an annual charity ride and fundraiser for children’s cancer research. This year’s event is Saturday, May 4, in Orlando. Riders will travel from Nemours Children’s Hospital to Ace Cafe Orlando (both event sponsors), where they’ll be met with live music, great food and drinks, and more!
The motorcycle attorneys in Orlando with 911 Biker Law are proud to be participants in the 2019 Iron Pigs Against Pediatric Cancer Ride. We’re also supporting the riders by offering free tow cards and event information. Whether you’re a newcomer to the event or have participated every year, here’s what to know about this year’s charity ride.
Register For The Ride
Register online for just $25 per rider ($45 with a T-shirt). Or if you’re not computer savvy, sign up at the event between 10 a.m. and noon. Even if you don’t ride a motorcycle or can’t attend the event for other reasons, you can still make a charitable donation for pediatric cancer research, or become an event sponsor!
Buy Raffle Tickets
This raffle is no gamble. Only one entrant will take home the grand prize — a 2019 Harley-Davidson®️ Sportster®️ 883™, which is equipped with a 53.9 cubic inch air-cooled, Evolution®️ engine, street-inspired paint, and slammed suspension, compliments of Orlando Harley-Davidson®️ (an event sponsor). But all who enter are the real winners for contributing to pediatric cancer research. Purchase raffle tickets for the bike giveaway online today for just $20 each!
Find The Starting Line
Participants meet up at Nemours Children's Hospital (13535 Nemours Parkway) around 10 a.m., then depart at noon for a 20-mile-or-so ride to Ace Cafe Orlando (100 West Livingston Street). Entertainment at the finish line will include live music, a live auction, plus food and drinks in the restaurant.
Get A Free Tow Card
At 911 Biker Law, we’re not just personal injury attorneys; we’re riders, too, and that’s why we look out for fellow riders on the road. We offer a free tow voucher to get your bike and yourself to safety. To receive a tow card, click the “Free Tow” button on our website, enter your information, and download the card, or visit our law offices in Orlando. The free tow covers only the first 10 miles to the closest repair facility and must be used as roadside assistance. Motorcycles only.
Meet The Hosts
The charity ride is hosted by the Iron Pigs Motorcycle Club, St. Johns River Chapter. The Iron Pigs Motorcycle Club is a non-profit organization, though not your typical 501(c)3. These members dress not in slacks and ties but Levis and leather vests. Their logo is a snarling pig crunching on a pair of pistons, flames raging in the background. Yet, at the corner of the logo is the insignia “99%er,” a reference to the 1960s motorcycle culture and an American Motorcycle Association (AMA) study that claimed 99 percent of riders are decent, law-abiding people — without a doubt, the charitable Iron Pigs Motorcycle Club make the cut.
The Iron Pigs Motorcycle Club began its charity rides in 2013 after an “Iron Pig brother received news that his sister had been diagnosed with brain cancer.” In 2014, the Club teamed up with Nemours Children’s Hospital for the first Iron Pigs Against Pediatric Cancer Ride, which raised $5,000. Donations have risen steadily since then, and the Club hopes this year’s ride will be its best so far. Our motorcycle lawyers will be there supporting the goal — we hope to see you there, too!
Get Event Updates From Our Motorcycle Attorneys
Stay up-to-date with our blog for more information about the 2019 Iron Pigs Against Pediatric Cancer Ride and other motorcycle events, as well as for legal advice that pertains to riders, such as tips for accidents and personal injuries or insurance claim disputes. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for more news and updates!